Best truck stops of America

Best truck stops of America

Life on the road as truck drivers requires good planning—where to eat, shower, sleep, and especially truck parking. Truck stops aren’t just a convenience; it has the power to make every trip better. Most have hotels with truck parking as…

What is no touch freight and why does it matter?

What is no touch freight and why does it matter?

No touch freight meaning In trucking, “no touch freight” means the driver doesn’t have to load or unload the cargo. When a load is called “no touch,” it tells the driver that their main job is to drive the truck…

What does trucker life look like?

What does trucker life look like?

Embracing the life of a truck driver goes beyond a mere occupation – it’s an immersive lifestyle. Unlike the conventional 9-to-5 routine confined within office walls, in trucking life, the road becomes both a workplace and home for truckers. By…

Questions to ask trucking companies

Questions to ask trucking companies

Choosing the right trucking company is a critical decision that can significantly impact your career on the road. To make the best decision, asking the right questions during the hiring process is key. The following are essential questions to ask…

Trucking Rates Per Mile 2024 | January

Trucking Rates Per Mile 2024 | January

As we step into the first month of 2024, let’s take a look at what’s happening with trucking rates per mile. These rates act as a guide to carriers, owner operators, and shippers. We’ll explore the different truck freight rates…

Profitable owner operator dedicated lanes

Profitable owner operator dedicated lanes

Dedicated lane trucking is when a company dedicates their trucks and drivers to a specific customer or shipper. This means they’re hauling the same freight on the same route at the set rate. Drivers might have set pickup and dropout…

How to get MC number?

How to get MC number?

In order to meet the FMCSA’s requirements and operate within the bounds of the law, you must have the right credentials. One such essential credential is the MC number. Let’s break down the essential steps in acquiring an MC number,…

Owner-Operator Startup Checklist

Owner-Operator Startup Checklist

Starting your journey as an owner-operator in the trucking world is a big step. Whether you’re new to trucking or switching from being a company driver, a well-organized startup checklist is your key to a smooth beginning. The following are…

Trucking Rates Per Mile | December 2023

Trucking Rates Per Mile | December 2023

The month of December is quite interesting when compared to November especially with the trucking rates per mile. Let’s explore the different truck freight rates, such as Dry Van, Reefer, Flatbed, and cross-border trucking rates. Dry Van Rates Per Mile…

FMCSA acts against TQL over broker transparency

FMCSA acts against TQL over broker transparency

The fight over broker transparency has been raging for some time now, and the latest issue involving TQL is quite surprising. Dakota, a carrier, asked her broker to see the rate con and by law if you ask the broker…

What is a Dry Van Truck?

What is a Dry Van Truck?

If you are in the trucking industry, you would have definitely heard about dry vans. Yet, for those new to the industry or curious minds alike, the question lingers: What exactly is a dry van truck? Let’s take a closer…

What are semi truck title loans?

What are semi truck title loans?

Do you know that you could get a title loan with your semi truck and that too in a day? Yes, you can now use your semi truck as a collateral security and avail title loans. This could come in…