Simplifying Form 2290 Tax Calculation


Say Goodbye to Manual Calculations

Easily input gross weight and the vehicle’s first used month, and our 2290 tax calculator will automatically generate tax liability for you. Instead of spending hours doing math, you can now get your taxes done in a snap.

Easy to use

Whether you’re managing a single truck or a fleet, we got you covered. Easily calculate taxes for multiple vehicles in one go. You also have the flexibility to access our tax calculator from anywhere, at any time, on your computer or mobile device.

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Calculate Instantly

Waiting for tax calculations can be frustrating. With our 2290 tax calculator, you can get real-time results. As soon as you input your data, you’ll know your tax liability, making it super easy to plan your finances and stay on top of your taxes.

Ready to Calculate your Form 2290 Tax ?

A quick guide to Form 2290 tax

What is form 2290?

2290 is a tax, paid  by the vehicles with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. It is also known as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and the tax rate varies with the vehicle’s gross weight.

Who should pay?

All truck owners operating a heavy usage vehicle must file 2290 tax. However government-owned vehicles are exempted from paying this tax.

When to pay?

The tax liability must be paid on or before 31st August every year. But if you have newly owned vehicles your due date will be based on your vehicle’s first used month.